About Us
We are Scott and Hayley!
At GoCampers, all of our vans have been hand crafted by us with every consideration for your comfort and convenience, so that you can spend more of your time getting up close and intimate with the beauty of the wild Pacific Coast. Rest easy, safely, and comfortably, knowing that you are in the good hands of a family-run business.
We are the ones answering your email inquiries. We also clean and sanitize each van from top to bottom upon return before being handed to the next guest. We meet and introduce you to your GoCamper and are here to greet you when you return. Should you need us for any reason or emergency along the way, we’re on the line and available for you at all times; this includes all your questions about the Island and your experience here - we know and love where we live and are happy to help!
Our aim is to provide a safe, comfortable, fun and affordable way for you to discover Vancouver Island and the Pacific North West. By choosing to adventure with a GoCamper and seeing what this regional treasure has to offer, you are also choosing to support many small local businesses along the way. This allows us all to continue to do what we love best: providing you with an awesome experience in this beautiful area of the world!
We look forward to welcoming you to Vancouver Island!
Scott, Hayley and Family